"We use a fun and interactive 'Ninja Narrative' to keep the children engaged and stimulated. Every lesson includes problem solving games to sharpen the mind and challenging exercises to strengthen the body."

Ninja Cubs
3-5 yrs
Ninja Cubs is a program designed for kids aged between three and five years old.
It is an introductory Martial Arts class for very young children. By playing games and imparting principles of Martial Arts using a ‘Ninja Narrative’ we prepare young children for wider social interaction and the new independence that comes with the start of school, as well as keeping them happy, healthy, coordinated and socially aware.
With this younger age group we focus on developing cognitive function, mobility and social skills through problem-solving activities disguised as 'Ninja Missions' and Objectives.
In this way we use physical activity to introduce our children to a magical world and let them write their own story.
As our students get older they leave the Ninja Narrative behind and enter a new stage of their Martial Arts Journey. Our 11+ Programme is divided into BJJ Gi Training, Stand Up Striking & No-Gi Grappling / Grapple Box training sessions.

Ninja School
Ninja School is a program designed for kids aged between five to ten years old.
It is a Mixed Martial Arts class for children, which is centralised round: Brazilian Jiujitsu, Kickboxing and Shurikenjutsu; with a heavy emphasis on Mindfulness practise. It is the ideal outlet for physical, mental and emotional release.
Through various forms of Martial Arts Ninja School students will develop coordination, athleticism and discipline. The mindfulness philosophy of 'The Ninja Way' encourages students to question and provokes them to explore.
5-10 yrs

11+ MMA
Our 11+ program is designed for our students who wish to continue their Martial Arts training once they leave Primary School and begin Secondary School.
It is a Mixed Martial Arts class for Teens, which our students stake part in Brazilian Jiujitsu Gi & No Gi, Kickboxing and Grapple Box classes.
As their journeys continue to develop, and as their understanding of martial arts continues to evolve so their training moves from a positional based rule set (playful) to a submission based rule set (practical).